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D&I Platform

Oxero ... to create Advanced Decision Support Systems

D&I is the Business Intelligence platform with which you can build complex systems and decision support.

D&I is owned by OXero and brings together all the experience gained in the implementation of numerous and complex Business Intelligence projects.


D&I Platform


The D&I Features

Scorecards, Dashbord, Reporting, OLAP Analysis, Advanced & Ad hoc Analysis, Alerting & Notification, Statistical Analysis, Trend Analysis, Segmentation Analysis are just some of the issues guaranteed by the D&I Platform Modules.

At the base – common to all - a repository of information (Data Dictionary) in which, in a simple and intuitive, and as far as possible automatically, it is possible to govern the information: from the description of the sources of access to his typing through graphic formats and descriptive, from the description of hierarchical relationships to those of interconnection and interdependence, from the interpretation of its format to the definition of the rules of quality control, etcetera, etcetera. Unlike many other business intelligence platforms the information is centralized and above is handled in one place and made available to each module of the platform.


No redundancy. A single View of the Truth.

Shortly, the platform aims to provide a single system with complete visibility of their information assets by ensuring the following functions:

  • Data Modeling to guarantee the definition or the simple description of the Information Asset of the Client
  • Data Analysis & Data Reporting to guarantee the simple, fast and complete retrieval and access to the data of the Client and to report them in the best way
  • Data Intelligence to “convert” the Data into Information, the Information into Knowledge and … the Knowledge in Business
  • Data Generation and Data Entry to generate new Information starting from the original Data or to classify all the data … base on the internal mean
  • Customer Profiling to guarantee the right access to the Information and functionalities

D&I have been studied for who needs to use a specialized Business Intelligence Platform technological advanced, open, scalable, multi platform, multi dbms, multi language to create High Level and Customised Decision Support Systems

The D&I Platform, thanks to the fullness of its functional features and to the flexibility guaranteed by its technological architecture, is one of the most advanced, innovative and adaptable solutions for each specialized technical and functional context !
Published in Products

Why OXero

  • A Decision Support System All in One
  • The OXero success keys
  • We facilitate the understanding of your data
  • OXero is in your shoes - Respect for the choices of our customer is the basis of our choices
  • We create high technological solutions and services

+ info


  • D&I Platform
    Make complex decision support
  • Main Modules
    All modules available to the platform
  • Value-Added Modules
    Data Entry, Quality System Data, Data Schedule & Broadcast System, Multidimentional Database Generation System
  • Demo Area
    Request an access to the demo

Company data

  • OXero S.r.l. - Sede Operativa
    Via Camillo Rosalba, 47/J
    70124 – Bari – Italy
    Tel +39 080 5618558 Fax +39 080 5618558
  • OXero S.r.l. - Amministrazione e Contabilità
    Via dello Zoosafari, 9
    72015 – Fasano (Brindisi) – Italy
    Tel +39 080 4425629 Fax +39 080 4425497
  • OXero S.r.l. - Sede Operativa
    Via Lago di Sabaudia, 19
    00077 – Roma – Italy
  • Partita I.V.A./C.F.: 01816440745
  • Reg. Impr. Bari N° 01816440745 Cap. Soc. i.v. 50.000 €


Get in touch


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Via C. Rosalba 47J, Bari, Italy

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